Michelle Mayne-Graves and her Lifeline Quartet perform spirituals from the Civil War and earlier celebrating code songs for the Underground Railroad. These spirituals include hidden messages about maps, navigational strategies and timing for slaves to escape toward freedom in the Northern States and Canada.
For the Lifeline Quartet’s debut album, Yarlung chose “If I Can Help Somebody” to be the opening track. This song not only honors Harriet Tubman, but reveals Michelle’s generous heart as well. Harriet Tubman is one of the better known heroes who escaped slavery herself and then worked as a “conductor” on the Underground Railroad, helping subsequent groups of people flee to the North.
“Wade in the Water” serves as a reminder of where to walk in the rivers to make it harder for dogs to scent people escaping at night. “I’m On My Way to Canaan’s Land” talks about the route to Canada.
Michelle lives what she sings. In addition to directing choirs, performing spirituals and helping to coordinate and lead veterans singing groups, Michelle Mayne-Graves supervises a team and works as a nurse assisting homeless veterans at the Veteran’s Administration in Los Angeles.